Random observations


Just a silly thought.

What is the difference between not knowing you are going to die and being immortal? I was thinking it is kind of similar. In both instance I wouldn’t care as much about saving money, working hard to make an immediate difference in the world, or staying healthy or fit. I would probably spend a lot of what I earn, eat and drink more carelessly, and have a bit more hedonism. I know this topic doesn’t make for a great blog post but it was one my mind as I thought a lot about dogs and dracula.

One very unrelated topic.

San Francisco has gotten a lot cleaning since I lived and worked there (2019). Some parts of the Tenderloin aside, I think that the streets have gotten much cleaner. Sneha and I walked down 5th Street and 6th Street near where Twitter was, pretty clean and no homeless people in sight. I biked from Chinatown to the Mission (with a new wok no less, but that is a different story for a different day) mainly down Market and then down Valencia, the streets were clean and there were far less homeless. Sneha and I also walked around Union Square (and sadly the Uniqlo there is closed, one of my favorite stores in SF) and no one was splayed out on the sidewalk, there wasn’t any mounds of trash, and it smell a bit cleaner. I dont know if there is a shift in economics, or some social program, or something else entirely, but SF seems much cleaner now than it used to be.
